Fort Thomas Kentucky Masons

(859) 441-1280

Welcome to the Fort Thomas Masonic Lodge community website! Our lodge has been active in Fort Thomas for over 100 years serving its members and the community since 1908. We hope that you find the information contained herein useful and insightful along with answers to any questions that you may have about our lodge or Freemasonry.

The Ft Thomas Masonic Lodge and Freemasonry aim at the promotion of all that is pure and good and noble in human character, and therefore its lessons and symbols are much devoted to the inculcation of faith, hope and charity, in which the excellence of human character mainly consists. Freemasonry (or Masonry) is dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God. It uses the tools and implements of ancient architectural craftsmen symbolically in a system of instruction designed to build character and moral values in its members. Its singular purpose is to make good men better. Its bonds of friendship, compassion, and brotherly love have survived even the most divisive political, military, and religious conflicts through the centuries. Freemasonry is a fraternity which encourages its members to practice the faith of their personal acceptance. Masonry teaches that each person, through self-improvement and helping others, has an obligation to make a difference for good in the world. Please browse our website for information about the Ft Thomas Masonic Lodge and Freemasonry. If you have any questions or would like to speak with a Ft Thomas Masonic Lodge member, please e-mail us at or call us at (859) 441-1280, or just stop by....

The Fort Thomas Mason Lodge is located at 37 North Ft. Thomas Ave. and is pictured below.

Ft Thomas Lodge 808

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 (859) 441-1280