Fort Thomas Kentucky Masons

(859) 441-1280

How to join Freemasonry

How does one become a Mason?

To become a Mason you will have to ask a Mason, because a Mason will never ask you to join Freemasonry.  If you know a Mason then ask him about Freemasonry.  Let him know that you are interested in membership...

What if you don't know a Mason?  Well, just call (859) 441-1280 or e-mail the Fort Thomas Masonic lodge. 

No matter which Lodge you call however,  a Brother will help you and guide you to submitting your application for membership (a “Petition”).  If you prefer to be in one Lodge or the other, ask the Brother. 

What is a petition and what happens when it is submitted?

Most men do not understand the process of getting membership in a Masonic Lodge. No one is ever invited to become a mason or to join a Masonic Lodge. Though all morally good men would be welcome in any Masonic Lodge, however, the man himself must ask a mason about becoming a member. Once he has done so, he will be given an application (petition) to complete and he has taken the first step. It is then submitted to the local lodge for processing. The lodge will select a committee to investigate the candidate and report its findings. He must receive unanimous approval of the members.

Once the candidate is approved, he then receives the first of the three degrees which make up the symbolic Masonic Lodge. The first degree is the Degree of Entered Apprentice. The second is the Degree of Fellow Craft, the third is the Degree of Master Mason. After you have completed all degrees you are then an accepted member of a great and noble fraternity.

Qualifications to join Freemasonry?

Please note:  These qualifications are typical of most lodges.  The Jurisdiction in which you apply may add, delete, or re-word the qualifications listed below.

    Be a man at least 18 years of age (some Jurisdictions 21).

    Believe in a Supreme Being (belief in 1 "God").

    Live an ethical and moral life.

    Reside in the Jurisdiction you want to apply.

    You MUST ask to join. (No one will ever ask you to join).

    You must submit an application and pay the necessary fees.

To find the qualifications in your state please visit the Grand Lodge website of your State. In the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the site is:


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