Frequently Asked Questions
What is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is the worlds oldest and largest fraternity, with a singular purpose to make good men better. A Freemason must profess a belief in God and be a good citizen. They practice the basic tenets of brotherly love, relief (philanthropy), and truth. It has long been observed that man is a product of everything that they come in contact with during their lifetime. Our fraternity allows us have an opportunity to be in regular company of men of good character, thus reinforcing one's own personal character development. Masonry is meant to be enjoyed by its membership so it should not be simply viewed as a philosophical club, but be a vibrant fellowship of men who seek each others company. To keep unity and harmony in our Lodges, Religion and Politics are not to be discussed in our Masonic meetings.
Where did Freemasonry come from?
Freemasonry is the worlds oldest Fraternity, but no one knows just how old it is, because much of its history has been lost in time. It is believed by many that it originated in the stone mason guilds who built the castles cathedrals in the middle ages. The were possibly influenced by various groups such as the Knights Templar, and order of Christian warrior monks that were formed to protect pilgrims traveling to and from the Holy Lands.
In 1717, four lodges in England formed the first Grand Lodge of Freemasons. A Grand Lodge is an administrative body in charge of Masonry in a geographical area. In the United States there is a Grand Lodge for every state and the District of Columbia.
Is Freemasonry a religion?
Very simply, NO. Although our fraternity demands that we must profess a belief in God and immortality of the soul. Freemasonry makes no claim that its teachings will save ones soul. Freemasonry requires a belief in God because members are obligated to perform the requirements of, and to avoid things prohibited by Freemasonry, with an obligation made in the name of God. One not believing in God would not find this obligation binding. Those who have a belief in God and a life beyond the grave are more likely to be more stable, more moral and upright than those who do not. Freemasonry does not favor one religion over another. So long as a Freemason believes in God and in a future state, what he believes about God is no business of the Lodge. For this reason religion is never allowed to be discussed in Masonic Lodges.
Is Freemasonry a secret society?
No. Our fraternity is not secret. Many of our member proudly wear rings, lapel pins, or hats showing their membership in the fraternity. You will often see members of the fraternity with emblems, bumper stickers, or Masonic license plates on their cars. Our Lodges are clearly marked as being Lodges of Freemasonry and post the dates and times of their stated meetings. Many Lodges are listed in the phone book and have answering machines telling what days and times of when the meetings are. As you can see, we are not much of a secret. Freemasonry is not a secret society, but it is a society with secrets. The secrets we have are nothing more than signs of recognition such as handshakes, passwords, and references that only other initiated members would understand. These secrets help us identify each other and help from keeping impostors from trying to reap the benefits of being a member of our fraternity. There are no true secrets remaining in Freemasonry today. Today's Freemasonry practice secrecy in these matters out of the sense of tradition.
Who are some famous Freemasons?
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin- Astronaut, Neil Armstrong- Astronaut, Frederic A. Barholdi- designed the Statue of Liberty, Irving Berlin- Entertainer, James Buchanan- President of the U.S., Winston Churchill- British Prime Minister, Roy Clark- Country Western Star (Hee-Haw), William Clark- Explorer, Samuel L. Clemens "Mark Twain"- Writer, Samuel Colt- Firearms inventor, David Crockett- American Frontiersman of Alamo fame, Jack Dempsey- Boxer, W.C. Fields- Actor, Sir Alexander Fleming- discovered Penicillin, Gerald R. Ford- President of the U.S., Henry Ford- invented the Automobile, Benjamin Franklin- 1 of 13 signers of the Constitution of the U.S., Clark Gable- Actor, James A. Garfield- President of the U.S., John H. Glenn- 1st American to orbit the earth in a space craft, John Hancock- 1 of 9 signers of the Declaration of Independence, Oliver Hardy- Actor Comedian, Bob Hope- Comedian, Harry Houdini- Magician, Sam Houston- President of the Republic of Texas, Andrew Jackson- President of the U.S., Marquis de Lafayette- supporter of American Freedom, Meriwether Lewis- Explorer, Charles Lindbergh- Aviator, Gen. Douglas MacArthur- Commander of Armed Forces WWII, Dr. William and Charles Mayo- Founded the Mayo Clinic, William McKinley- President of the U.S., Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart- Composer, Joseph Fort Newton- Christian Minister, Arnold Palmer- Professional Golfer, Ringling Brothers- All 7 brothers and their father, Roy Rogers- American cowboy and screen star, Will Rogers- Actor, Franklin D. Roosevelt- President of the U.S., Theodore Roosevelt- President of the U.S., Sir Walter Scott- Writer, William Howard Taft- President of the U.S., Harry S. Truman- President of the U.S., George Washington- 1st President of the U.S., and John Wayne- Actor.
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